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Shenzhen BST Science & Technology Co., Ltd  

Bis-aminopropyl diglycol dimaleate

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  • 联系人:Lucy Hu
  • 电话:+8675525539493
  • 邮件:purchase@bstcom.cn
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公司名称 Shenzhen BST Science & Technology Co., Ltd
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 $0.00
公司类型 Company (Manufacturer)
所 在 地 China
公司规模 1-49
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2007
经营模式 Manufacturer
经营范围 Bis-aminopropyl diglycol dimaleate
销售的产品 Bis-aminopropyl diglycol dimaleate
主营行业 Chemicals / Essential Oil, Balsam & Fine Chemicals    
 Shenzhen BST Science & Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2007, is a manufacturer of personal care functional ingredients in China and has ten years experience in import and export. We have established competent and international standard level R&D and quality assurance capability.

Shenzhen BST Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Manufactures and sources more than 10 categories of personal care ingredients and its products ranges over 60 species. BST has built up excellent reputation by its product value with fine quality and adequate cost savings image for customers. BST's products, such as Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate, Bis-Aminopropyl dimethicone, Cosmetic Peptides, Glutathione, Heparin Sodium, Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate, L-Carnosine, etc., are well recognized by the market. The implementation of Quality Assurance evaluation system has further set up the sound foundation of its quality management reliability to serve global customers.

Shenzhen BST Science & Technology Co., Ltd has synthetic laboratory and production base in Pingshan District, Shenzhen City, our laboratory and production base operate in full accordance with GLP and GMP standards.

Shenzhen BST Science & Technology Co., Ltd., offers product customization service, and we have some strong products for comestics such as bis-aminopropyl diglycol dimaleate, 1629579-82-3, which is an active ingredient used for repairing hair damage which caused by hair coloring, hair bleaching, hair waving or hair straightening, etc.

In the mean time, we custom synthesize, import and distribute biochemicals and PCR test kits and Elisa test kits for pharmaceutical companies and in-vitro diagnosis companies in China, we have built a very close relationship with heparin sodium manufacturers in China, so we are able to provide heparin sodium, Enoxaparin Sodium and related products with high quality and competitive price.

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